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IMPORTANT NOTICE: MTReport is no longer available to new customers.

Januari 19, 2019
Sales of MTReport has been discontinued. Registrations still work.

August 11, 2015
Moved the website and the authentication server to another provider today. It looks like everything is working, and there was no interruption of service.

June 27, 2015
Build 1042 released, some minor issues are fixed.

Support for MTReport will end at 31 December 2015.

The first version of MTReport was written over 10 years ago, and intended for a small group of trader friends. One year later, in 2006, the commercial version was released. Thousands of traders have used the program.

I will keep the registration server online for at least until 31 December 2016, so you will still be able to use the program. However, after that, who knows? Maybe I'll keep it online, maybe not. I really don't know. Thank you for your support.

December 20, 2014
Hosting provider changed servers and nameservers. There should be no interruption of service. From now on, please use mt4tools@gmail.com for questions or problem reports.

Apparently, my hosting provider has blocked forwarding of sales@mt4tools.com and support@mt4tools.com to my mailbox for a while. If you have mailed me lately, I have not received your mail.

December 5, 2014
MTReport is still alive! Current version is still 1041, which also works under Windows 8.1.

September 11, 2011
MTReport is still alive! Minor upgrade now available.

December 10, 2009
A new build (1032) of MTReport is now available, with a number of small fixes. Enjoy!

August 6, 2008
My new website provider has maintenance scheduled from Sunday, 10 Aug 08 till 10:00 PM MST to Monday, 11 Aug 08 - 3:00 AM MST, in order to replace some harddisks. During this time, the website and the authorisation server will be down. Sorry for the inconvenience.

July 29, 2008
My new website provider will migrate their database servers to new hardware. There will be a short downtime of less than 45 minutes, between midnight and 4AM MST on July 30th, 2008. During the downtime, the authorisation server will be offline, and MTReport cannot be started. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Update: The database migration has finished. Everything is up and running.

July 8, 2008
Due to continuing problems with my website provider, I am moving the website and authorisation server to another provider. If everything goes well this should not cause any interruption of service. The website has had a facelift, to improve readability. Also, there is an automated method available now to provide customers with a new activation code. If you have to re-activate MTReport you can get a new authorisation code within minutes.

Update: The move has completed without interruption of service.

July 8, 2008
My website provider is still experiencing problems, which caused the website and the authorisation server to be down for several hours. I will move to another hosting provider this week.

June 29, 2008
My website provider is experiencing problems with one of their servers. Until the problems are solved, I will send out activation codes manually.

March 13, 2008
The website provider did some maintenance to their equipment, which caused the website and authorisation server to be down for some time. My apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused. Everything is working now.

January 3, 2008
Today my website provider migrated to another datacenter. I was only notified hours before the move started, just in time to make some necessary changes. Hopefully, there will be no service interruptions. I will keep on top of things.

December 11, 2007
The mt4tools website was hacked. Someone (not me) had replaced the main page and displayed some obscene texts. My apologies to anyone who was offended by this hack. I'm not sure how this happened yet, but I will try to do anything to avoid this from happening in the future.

Update: There was a vulnerability in a page of the website, which has been abused by a hacker to 'deface' the site. The vulnerability is fixed. There has been another attempt to hack the site, but this time the hacker failed. The authorisation server was not affected.

November 14, 2007
This week the site (and the authorisation server) will move to another provider. The move should be seamless, without any interruptions of service. Nevertheless, if anything is not working please let me know, and I will fix it as soon as possible.

Update: The move has completed, almost without interruption of service.

August 25, 2007
The website provider for this site (webhost4life) had some technical difficulties today, which caused this site to be down for about 10 hours. The authorisation server for MTReport has not been available, so it was not possible to use MTReport today. My apologies for this.

At the moment, there is still a problem with the authorisation server, which has not been fixed by the provider yet. Please install build 1020 to circumvent this problem.

During the next the couple of weeks, I will move this website and the authorisation server to a more reliable provider.

August 7, 2007
The current version of MTReport (build 1018) is compatible with MetaTrader builds 207 and 208.